The process of buying a car at your traditional brick and mortar dealership has long been a practice loathed by people who are in the market for a vehicle. Between finding a vehicle, negotiating a price, structuring your terms for financing, and ultimately completing the reams of paperwork associated with your purchase, you could wind up spending the lion’s share of your day staring at a salesperson and wondering if you’ll ever see your loved ones again.
It’s perhaps the worst time you could have making a purchase, which is ironic, especially considering how much money you’re spending for an item that is supposed to improve and – at the very least – bring a modicum of joy and satisfaction to your life.
How bad is it?
According to an automobile industry white-paper (i.e. study) published by in November of 2014, the average amount of time a customer can expect to spend at the dealership from start to finish in completing a vehicle purchase is two and a half hours. Believe it or not though, that number pales in comparison to some sales that took five to six hours to complete.
FIVE TO SIX HOURS. And that’s not even counting the time it took for customers to settle on their purchase in the first place!
Needless to say, that’s an outrageous amount of time to be spending doing any one thing…which got us thinking: “What is possible with six hours that weren’t drained from your soul?” Below are our findings: