When you own a vehicle, it’s often difficult to know when it’s time to replace it. Many car owners make the mistake of assuming that they need to replace their vehicles every few years. The average age of a vehicle on the road is about 11 years, but most drivers keep a car for about six years. Here are some factors to consider when deciding if it’s time for a newer model.
Maintenance of the Vehicle
While there are some minor maintenance issues that can be addressed by most car owners, such as changing the windshield wipers or checking the air pressure in the tires, others should be handled by professionals. Properly maintaining your car ensures that it runs well for as long as possible and reduces the need to replace it frequently. Car maintenance that needs to be conducted on a regular basis includes oil changes, exhaust system checks, brake upkeep, and tire rotation and replacement.
Oil changes need to be done regularly, but how often is specific to each vehicle. The car’s manual will tell you how often the oil needs to be changed. There are also sensors in many newer vehicles that indicate when an oil change is needed, which can take some of the guesswork out of automotive maintenance. Using premium engine oil will reduce the frequency with which oil changes are required and can extend the life of your vehicle. When the parts of an engine are well-lubricated, it prevents wear and tear; failure to get oil changes on the manufacturer’s schedule — or forgetting to get them at all — can cause your engine to wear out faster.
The exhaust system on your vehicle needs to be checked regularly as the parts of the exhaust system can deteriorate over time, especially in climates where salt is used on the roads during winter. This deterioration causes the system to not work properly, which can be damaging to the car. If the parts become rusted or break, they need to be replaced immediately. The system should be checked while the car is on a lift by professional mechanics who know what to look for and how to fix any issues. In many states, proof of a functioning exhaust system is required to renew your car’s registration, so if this system isn’t maintained properly, you could end up replacing your car more often.
The brakes on a vehicle need to be replaced regularly so that your car operates safely. Brakes often create a high-pitched squeal when they’re in poor condition. It’s best to have brakes checked at every oil change. Failure to get brakes checked can cause damage to the wheels, axles, and chassis in your car, which often cannot be repaired.

The Cost to Replace Parts
When issues do arise on your vehicle, the cost of replacement parts can vary depending on the age of the vehicle. Some newer vehicles have very expensive parts because they are so technologically advanced. Older cars can sometimes have expensive parts because they are scarcer or are no longer in production. A positive to having an older car is that some of the parts can be purchased secondhand, which can be significantly less than purchasing new parts from a factory. If your car requires repairs with very expensive parts and labor, it might be time to trade it in.
Operational Costs
The cost to operate a vehicle can vary based on the age of the car. Some newer vehicles take little to no gas for operation and can be charged to supply power to the engine. This can save a lot of money over time in operational costs, which is something to consider if you’re tired of driving around your old gas guzzler. Also, there are a number of tax incentives available for those who purchase eco-friendly vehicles, which can help offset the upfront purchase cost.

Emissions From the Vehicle
If you are environmentally conscious, a newer vehicle may be the best option for you. Many older vehicles emit a lot of pollution because there weren’t the same regulations in place that there are today. Newer cars are built with updated motors and more efficient exhaust systems that reduce the amount of pollution that they emit. You can have the systems tested on your vehicle to determine the number of emissions that your vehicle creates. This information makes it easier to determine if your vehicle is too damaging to the environment for you to keep it.
Your Insurance Costs
Insuring an older vehicle is often far less costly than insuring a newer vehicle. Older vehicles are less valuable financially, which makes them less expensive for the insurance company to repair if an accident does occur.
On the other hand, newer models often have more safety features, which can reduce insurance costs. Some insurance companies do offer discounts for driving newer vehicles also. These vehicles have computer systems in them that track driving patterns the company can use to determine if someone is a good driver. If they determine that someone doesn’t speed regularly, doesn’t make a lot of sudden stops, and is a good driver overall, they may offer a lower rate.
It’s a good idea to get a quote from an insurance company before buying a vehicle to determine what the costs will be for the car. This allows you to make an informed decision as to whether the vehicle fits within your budget once you take maintenance, operational, and insurance costs into account.

The Benefits of a New-to-you Car
Determining if you should or shouldn’t keep your vehicle is a highly personal decision. It’s important to know that you don’t have to decide between only a vehicle in brand-new condition or keeping the car you already own. There are many great used vehicles that may suit you well.
Consider how your life has changed since you got your last car. If you’ve taken a new job or have moved so that you’re now further away from your work, family, or friends, getting a newer car with great gas mileage, like a hybrid or an electric vehicle, may be a good idea. If you’ve added on to your family, it may be time to get an SUV that can carry strollers, dog crates, or sporting equipment. Anytime something new happens in your life, it’s a good time to reevaluate your vehicle situation.
Researching the different vehicles available makes it easier to determine if keeping your car or purchasing a new vehicle is right for you. If your vehicle is still in good condition and working well, keeping it may be the best option. If reliability, safety features, and state-of-the-art technology are important to you, consider a newer model.
Vehicles that are just a few years old are often in great condition and affordably priced. They have some of the newest technology and cost substantially less than the brand-new models available today. Review the features of each vehicle available and determine which are crucial to you and which would simply be nice to have.
Knowing when it’s time to replace your old car can also help you find a newer used car that meets your needs.